Major works involved in the construction contract included:
26km of road network, purpose built for access and the delivery of heavy and long load wind turbine components.
Extensive erosion and sediment control design, construction, monitoring and decommissioning of up to 170 control devices.
Establishment of an on-site concrete batching plant
Construction of 28no turbine foundations consisting of 1335 tonnes of reinforcing steel and 12,000m3 of concrete.
Positioning of electrical conduits and free issue holding down bolts and casting onto foundations.
Installation of 70km of high voltage electrical cables between turbine sites and the substation
Construction of substation platform and building foundations
Construction and positioning of 28no transformers and 6no circuit breaker foundations.
Innovation and Performance
Redesign of road pavement to reduce pavement thickness and create savings in material costs and programme.
Use of Permanent formwork for the turbine foundations to save on labour costs and programme.
Awarded inaugural Project of the Year from Environment Waikato for performance in regard to Erosion and Sediment Control.