The upgrade improved the primary treatment system for the tannery which included additional sulphide waste stream oxidation capacity and a new dissolved air flotation plant.
Works also included the construction of HDPE lined aerated lagoons, a SBR for treatment of non-tannery wastewater and a buffer lagoon for treated wastewater.
Besides the numerous pump stations, pipelines and valves, we also installed and commissioned a tertiary filtration, UV disinfection system, solids dewatering facility and a chemical dosing system.
Major works included:
In excess of 40,000m3 of brown rock imported and placed to form the lagoons
13,200m2 of HDPE lining and geofabric installed
6km of pe pipe installed through a live factory site
Installation of Four glass fused storage tanks.
Large mechanical pipework installation for all the pumps and associate equipment
Installation of a DAF unit, Wedeco UV units and disk filter
Installation and commissioning of two polymer dosing systems
Installation and commissioning of two chemical dosing systems
Construction of two concrete block MCC buildings
Given the earthworks had to progress during the winter season, it was identified during the tender phase that using the natural clay-based material to construct the pond out of, was a risk to the programme. Our local knowledge allowed us to identify a source of locally quarried by-product material which was accepted as a viable alternative to construct the embankment out of. Importing the material ultimately saved months of wet weather delays on the programme.